When it comes to recruitment, no employer takes the process lightly. Yet, despite the importance they place on hiring the right candidates, there’s a classic mistake that many employers often make. So If You Care About Your Recruitment You MUST Do This.

But before we unveil this common error, let’s delve into a bit of background.

At Alexander Executive Search LTD, one of our standout features is our free replacement policy. Essentially, if we place a candidate with you and, for any reason, the fit isn’t right, we’ll run the recruitment campaign again at no extra cost to you.

Now, you might be thinking, “That sounds like a standard guarantee offered by recruiters.” And you’d be partially right. What sets us apart, however, is the LENGTH of our guarantee.

Typical guarantees usually span 1-3 months, with some more established firms extending it to 3-6 months. But our guarantee typically STARTS at six months and can extend up to a full year for senior positions. In certain instances, particularly for highly senior roles, we’ve even extended this guarantee to a remarkable TWO YEARS.

Why do we take on this risk? Because it’s what sets us apart and allows us to offer a risk-free service to our clients. When you engage with our recruitment services, you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.

But what does this have to do with the classic recruitment mistake we mentioned earlier?

It all boils down to HOW we can confidently offer such a lengthy guarantee.

The reason we can do this without jeopardizing our business is because the candidates we place tend to stay put. We maintain a remarkable 96% retention rate for our placements after 12 months. Our ability to offer this industry-leading guarantee is grounded in the knowledge that, most of the time, our clients won’t need to use it.

We achieve this exceptional retention rate by harnessing cutting-edge technology alongside rigorous assessments, careful consultation, and robust aftercare. And this level of professionalism in recruitment can only be realized when we are retained for our services.

That brings us to the recurring mistake that employers often make – the misconception that hiring multiple recruitment firms on a contingency basis will yield superior results compared to engaging a single firm on a retained basis.

Contingency vs. Retained: A Critical Distinction

Contingency recruitment, in theory, might sound appealing. Multiple recruiters vying to find candidates, with the client only paying the one who succeeds. However, in practice, it results in chaos – an uncoordinated frenzy where speed trumps accuracy.

Recruiters operating on a contingency basis understand that speed is their ally, often at the expense of quality. This need for haste can lead to shortcuts and a less-than-optimal recruitment process. Consequently, contingency recruiters rarely offer lengthy guarantees, if any at all.

Every time you enlist a recruiter to help fill a position, you face a choice: prioritize speed or prioritize quality. The two are rarely attainable simultaneously.

If you genuinely care about your recruitment, you will consistently choose the latter – a retained recruitment firm that delivers a comprehensive and quality campaign.

While speed, extensive networks, and effective communication are valuable assets in a recruitment firm, they are meaningless if your new hires don’t thrive and remain in their roles for an extended period.

When the employer-candidate relationship disintegrates after just a few months, nobody benefits. If you want your hires to stick, if you desire guarantees, and if you genuinely care about the quality of your recruitment efforts, opting for a recruiter on a retained basis is not a choice but a necessity.

For a no-obligation discussion about how we can help you save both time and money on your next recruitment campaign, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at:

  • UK: +44 0203 493 4415
  • US: +1 332 600 8926